The Skeleton Rabbit 2017


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shapes out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood.
30x45 in. 22x15 in.

Frida Kahlo 2017


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shapes out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood.
31x52 in. 


Princess Leila as a Luchadora 2017


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shape out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood.
17x17 in.


City of the Future 2017


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shapes out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood and various air plants used
17x15 in.

A Homage to David Bowie 2016


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shape out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood and various air plants used
30x15 in.

Oldschool Boomboxes and Cassette tapes 2016

Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shapes out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood and various air plants used
tapes 15x11 in. boomboxes 17x13 in. large boombox 31x17 in.

Dia de Muertos 2016


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shapes out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood and various air plants used
Skull left 30x15 in. Skull right 30x15 in. 

King of the Jungle 2016


Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut out the custom
shape out of solid pine wood and 
Laser etched and laser 
painted into pine wood and various air plants used
 25x17 in. 

The Evil Angel 2015


 Laser etched and laser painted into pine wood, file
prepared with Illustrator

17x19 in.
(Inspired from personal photo)

Miss Shy Piggy 2015

Laser etched and laser painted onto pine wood and file prepared
with Illustrator.
9x12 in.
(Inspired from person photo)

Watching You,Watch Me 2015

Laser etched and laser painted into pine wood, file prepared
with illustrator.
5x7 in.
(Inspired from personal photo)


The Letter A Study of the Font of Med Splode. 2015

Illustrator to prepare file for tool-pathing, V-carve to make
G-code, CNC shopbot to carve into pine wood, hand painted.
10x10 in.

The Letter A Study of the Font of Med Splode

(Close up to show depth)

A Geometric Study 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for toolpathing,
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to carve and cut
out of cnc plywood, hand painted
32x12 in

(Inspired from geometric designs)

A Geometric Study 2015

(close up to show depth)

Serenity 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing, 
V-carve to to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to carve and cut out of cnc
18x4 in
(Inspired by 3d type)

The Ox Skull Vinyl Clock 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and filed prepared for tool-pathing,
V-carve to create G-code, CNC Shopbot to cut vinyl pieces out.
12x12 in.
(Created for Wonderland SF Vinyl group show)


The Ox Skull Vinyl Clock 2015


(Various stages of the piece - painting, CNC Shopbot failures
and CNC Shopbot success)

The Fearless Lioness 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and file prepared for toolpathing,
V-carve to create G-code, CNC Tormach to cut and create lines
on to aluminum, laser etched pattern on to a wood panel.
12x12 in.
(Created for Chillin Productions 15th yr. Anniversary event)


The Fearless Lioness 2015

(The various stages of setting up and machining out this part)

The Alloy Badge 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and file prepared for toolpathing,
V-carve to create G-code, CNC Tormach pocketed and cut out of
4.5 x 1.5 in.

(The various stages of setup and machining out this part)
(Created for Alloy Mopar Fabrications)


The Alloy Badge 2015

(Badge filled with enamel paint and then permanently placed on car)

Techshop SF.entrance sign 2015

Illustrated with illustrator and file prepared for laser, laser
cut out letters with 1/8 thick acrylic and epoxied letters onto a
clear acrylic sheet. 
7.5 x 3.5 ft
(photo depicts various stages of creation)

Storage shelves for Techshop Store 2015

Custom designed with illustrator, V-carve to generate G-code 
and CNC cut with 
the Shopbot.

JBL sign for corporate event 2016


Illustrator to prepare files for toolpathing, V-carve to create
CNC Shopbot to cut out, Primed and painted with acrylic paint,
Leds layed out on back for back light.
(Created for Immersive for JBL event)

Bayer Pharmaceutical sign for meeting 2016


Illustrator to prepare files for toolpathing, V-carve to create
G-code, CNC Shopbot to make pockets and cut out of acrylic.
(Created for Mountain View Staging for Bayer event)

Pixel Gold Toothed Bunny T-shirt 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator, CNC cut multiple colors of vinyl for
design and then weeded out negative areas, heat-pressed to a t-shirt
(Inspired from a old personal sketch)


CRXW T-shirt 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator, CNC cut out of heat-press
vinyl and then weeded out negative areas, heat-pressed to a t-shirt
(Created for a friends band)

The Evil Bunny 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator, CNC vinyl cut out of
heat-press vinyl, heat-pressed to a t-shirt
(Inspired from a old personal sketch)

Skull Owl 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator, CNC vinyl cut out of
heat-press vinyl, heat-pressed to a t-shirt
(Inspired from old personal sketch)

Child Clown 2015


Illustrated with Illustrator 
(Inspired from random clowns)

Anatomy of a Cats Head 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator 
(Inspired from interests of anatomy)

Japanese Large Hornet 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator 
(Inspired from old personal sketch)

Anatomy of a Bunny 2015

 Illustrated with Illustrator 
(Inspired from my interests in anatomy)

Mr Smarty Pants 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator 
(Inspired from my love of cats)

Lego Iron Man 2015

Illustrated with Illustrator
(Inspired by legos characters)


Lost in the Ocean of Fantasy

This is one of many images depicting a lost captain in the
ocean and the fantasy he imagines. 
Captured with a Canon D6, directed and costume by me.
(Inspired from the art of storytelling)


A Rainy Day for a Horse 2014

Captured with a Canon 6D,  directed and costume composed by me.
(Inspired from my collection of animal masks)

MR. Casual Sheep 2014

Captured with a Canon 6D,  directed and costume composed by me.
(Inspired from my collection of animal masks)


  Mourning His Loss 2013

 One of many images depicting a Rabbit visiting his lost lover.
Captured with a Canon 6D,  directed and costume composed by me.
(Inspired from the art of storytelling)


Time to Start your Day 2014

Captured with a Canon 6D, designed staircase and door with
Illustrator, laser cut wood to build stairs and door,

directed and constructed by me.
(Inspired from my collection of miniature people)

First Date Nightmare 2014

Captured with a Canon 6D, directed and constructed by me.
(Inspired from my collection of miniature people)